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Sign and Symptom

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Sign and Symptom

In Ayurveda there are many skin diseases described by the different  sages. Charak Samitha , Sushrut Samhita , Vagbhatta , Nagarjun , bhavaprakash , Sharngdhar Samhita are the different publications which described the skin diseases , their signs and symptoms , treatment and pervention. But Charak Samhita is the most popular whoes contents are followed mostly in the  medical treatment.

Three Type of Dosha produces its own symptoms, they are ::

If one can broadly categorize skin disease, into three types, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, then herbal and dietary treatment is fairly straight forward and it is my experience that it generally works well. It is not hard to see how most skin problems fall easily into these categories:

Vata type: The skin tends to be rough, dry, hard, itchy and scaly. There may be associated constipation, wind and distension, anxiety and insomnia. The skin is aggravated by cold, wind, dryness and stress and relieved by the application of oils, especially sesame.

Pitta type: The skin is hot and inflamed; it is aggravated by heat and heating foods, exposure to the sun and application of most oils, reflecting a state of heat and toxicity in the body. There tends to be burning, redness, oozing, swelling and infection which can be associated with fever, irritability and feeling of heat.

Kapha type: Kapha skin problems are often accompanied by mucous congestion, lethargy and sluggish metabolism. The skin tends to be cold, clammy, sticky, oozing, swollen and itchy, with a pale complexion. It is aggravated by cold, damp, application of oils and eating dairy products and sugar.

Skin Diseases are  more common in Pitta types as Pitta can overheat the blood (Rakta dhatu) and predispose to toxic conditions which are expressed through the skin. Factors causing such skin problems include poor digestion (low agni), toxins in the bowel (ama), incorrect diet, over use of sour, salty, or pungent tastes, heavy, sweet or oily foods, as well as over-use of cosmetics, perfumes, synthetic creams, etc.


The skin of the face and hands becomes hard and tight which is the most prominent feature of the scleroderma. It is also known as systemic sclerosis and it is the disease that turns people into stone. It is an immune system disorder.Udumbar Kushta – Boil or Furuncle

Red , shiny and swollen lump filled with pus. Tenderness , warmth sensation of the part affected with pain. When the lump is ready to rupture , a pointy white or yellow central area is noticed.Mandal Kushta – Psoriasis

Silvery or greyish lesions on the scalp , elbow , kness and lower end of the spine. With perfuse itching over the body and sometime blood may ooze out due to excessive itching.Rishiyajivak Kushta – Lichen Planus

Purple coloured rashes which are shiny ,on the skin with flat top. The rashes are generally appears suddenly and are very itchy. The wrists , ankles , lower legs , neck and back are the most common site of the rashes to be appears.Pundrika  Kushta – Urticaria –HivesSidham Kushta – Pityriasis Versicolor

It is a skin condition charactrized by the oval , irregular rash on the trunk and the proximal extermities , often merging together to form a larger patch.  Occasionally fine scaling of the skin producing a very superficial ash-like scale. Pale ,dark tan or pink coloured with a reddish undertone that can darken when the patient is overheated such as in a hot weather.Kakanak

Reddish and blackish as with different serves pain and severe burning sensation.Sthularuksh Kushta – Lichen Simplex Chronicus –LSC

The tichkening of the skin due to the regular rubbing and itching on the skin. Lichen simplex chronicus is not a primary process. Rather a person feels continuous pruritus in a specific area of the skin which causes mechanical trauma to the point of lichenification.Charmakushatha – Lichenified Eczema

Thickening of the skin with exaggeration of the normal skin markings , which gives the skin a leathery appearance like elephant skin.Ekakushta – Ichthyosis Vulgaris

It is the cutaneous disorder of keratinization of the skin. This term is from the Greek in which Ichthys means Fish . So the appreanance of the  skin looks like fish .Kitima – Prurigo Nodularis

It is  chronic and very itchy skin disease with hard nodules and bumps , most often on the outer aspect of the limbs.Charmdal – Pompholyx

In the acute stage it shows tiny blisters (vesicles) which are deep in the skin of the palms , fingers, instep or toes. The blisters are often intensly itchy or have a burning feeling. The condition may be mild with only a little peeling or very severe with big blisters and cracks with prevent work.Visarp – Erysipelas

Painful , reddish , swollen and warm skin underneath the sore, blisters. Fever with chills. Skin lesions with raised border. Sore on the cheeks and bridge of the nose.Vicharchika / Alasak – Atopic Dermatitis

This is a diseases of unknown origin that usually starts in early infancy , it is characterized by pruritus , eczematous lesions , xerosis ( Dry Skin)  and lichenification of the skin in later stageVipadika – Palmoplantar Keratodermas

A heterogenous group of disorders characterized by abnormal thickening of the palms and sole. Dadru – Ringworm

Iit is the ringworm infection of the skinPama – Eczema –

 Iit is the skin condition with severe itching , swollen skin with or without oozing.Kachachu – Scabies

It is contagious disease with severe itching in the night. The common areas are toes and fingers, sround the wrist , folds of the elbow , armpits , bedtline, abdomen , genitalia , nipples and groin.