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Scalp Skin Diseases

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Skin Diseases


Skin diseases include a wide range of conditions and may be a sign of an underlying illness. Therefore, it is important to receive a proper diagnosis to not only address  symptoms , but make sure you are properly and effectively treating it.

According to the ayurveda , skin diseases have many different causes, in general they are the result of the habitual intake of unhealthy or incompatible foods like fish with milk , meat with honey. Excessive use of the certain tastes or qualities in food like  greasy , sour or heavy foods , improperly cooked foods , eating too often , poor digestion , suppression of the urge to vomit and irrgular sleep. These habits vitiated the three dosha and creates the imbalance which affects the blood and lymph thereby the production of the toxic materials that initiate skin disorders.

A skin disorder not only affects the physical health , but also your emotional well-being. If lest untreated , skin disorders often worsen and can even lead to deeper emotional issues such as low self esteem , depression and anxiety. Skin is composed of three layers – The epidermis , dermis and subcutaneous tissue. The epidermis is the thin , outermost layer of the skin. Under the epidermis is a thicker layer of the skin called dermis. The subcutaneous layer , also referred to as the subcutis , is a layer of fats and connective tissue that consists of larger blood vessels and nerves. Skin disorders are related to the epidermis , the outermost layer of the skin. They are usually due to bacterial , viral or fungal infections or may be a sign of imbalance of the internal body system.


Kushta roga is general name given to Skin diseases according to Ayurveda. Ayurveda divides kushtam into seven different forms known as Kapala , Undumbara , Mandala , Risyajihwa , Pundrika , kakanam and Dadrukushtam. The toxins called AMA formed in the body affects the body skin and causes skin disorders. In the early stages the skin diseases are easy to treat as it becomes chronic its difficult to treat it. Because the toxins goes deep into the tissues.



It is the one form of Kustha due to the disturbance of the dosha which causes aggravated functions of the nerves along with blood defects. Vata dosha is the main cause of it ,so vata chikitsa is prescribed in these cases. It is like neurodermatitis.

Vatika type of kushta
Resembling pieces of black mud pot
Roughness , Pain , less itching and it spreads quickly
Induration plaques with well demarked margins and no ulceration


Pitta dosha is the main cause of it. Udumbara kushtam involves the aggravated functions of the veins along with the toxins in the blood , rakta dhatu. Pitta shaman and removal of pitta from the body is the way of treatment.

Pitta type of kushta
Burning , redness and  pain in the lesions
Exudation putrification and appearance of wroms
Multiple nodules all over the body , nodular type leprosy.
No sensory loss.


Kapha and vata are the causative doshas for it.

Smooth with round elevated patches joined to one another , whitish red in colour ,very  itchy and not developing quickly.


Vata and pitta dosha are the causative doshas. Resembling the tongue of black dear. Red in outside and black inside. Roughness , painfull , exudation and worms. Several large eryhtematous induaration plaques with nodules.


Pitta and Kapha dosha are the causative doshas. Similar to the petal of lotus flower. White in centre and red in edges. Exduation of blood. Burning sensation and pain. Plaques with raised erythematous borders.


Kakanam is the skin condition in which all the three doshas are invloved this is the Sannipata  dosha. Colour of kakanam is gunja. Pus formation , painful burning sensation , pain , bright red and black in colour. Shiny juicy looking nodules on the body.


It is the form of skin disorder that resembles with ringworm. Pitta and kapha are the causative dosha. Raised patches with itching and small reddish papules. Colours similar to atasi pushpa. Itching persists for a long time. It’s a superficial fungal infection caused by Trichophyton ormicrosporum.

Sidham  Tinea Versicolor
Dushivisha Kushtam Psoriasis
Vaipadikam   Rhagades
KachachuPustular Eczema
VisphotaPemphigus / Blistering Skin lesions
Shataru Felxural Eczema
SwitramLeucoderms / Vitiligo
ShitapittamUrticaria / Hives
Koths  UtkothaAllergic Rashes
YavaprakshyaKeloid Folliculitus
AndhalagiCutaneous Leishmaniasis
Balmika Skin Neoplasm with holes
IndrsviddhaBoil with Pimples
JalagardhabhaHerpes Zoster
Kaksa  Bubonic Plague
Chippan   Paronychia
KunakhamTinea inguinails
AnushayiTenia Pedia
VidarikaInguinal Bubo
Sharkarabuda Ulcerative neoplasm of the skin
KadaraCorn Clavus
Alasam/ AlasakamLichen Simplex Chronicus /Lichen Planus
YuvanpidikaAcne Vulgaris
Masakam Warts
Shukaradamstraka Inflammatory Ringworms
Vidardi External Abscess
PramehapidakasBoils and pimples caused by Premaha
GandmalaScrofula / Cervical Tuberculosis Lymphedenitis
ApachiGlandular      Tuberculosis
Granthi Small Neoplasm
ArbudaLarge Neoplasm
SwetaraktarbudaAdult Leukemia
SlipadaElephantasis / Filariasis

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